Do not hesitate to contact us with any questions about how you can start your pilates journey with us.
Prices are updated from the 1st April 2023
We have a maximum of eight people in studio per class with availability for some to join via Zoom.
Monthly Membership entitles you to One Class per Week for 46 weeks. The studio will be closed for 6 weeks of the year incorporating the Christmas, Easter and Summer holidays. The cost is spread equally over 12 months so no need to worry about payments and they are on a recurring system so your space in reserved just for you. Please give 30 days notice if you'd like to cancel your membership. If you cannot make a class just cancel it the day before and rebook yourself into another class within 4 weeks.
Holiday dates 2025
Weds 1st Jan
Friday 18th April - Thursday 24th April
Monday 5th May
Monday 26th May - Sunday 1st June
Thursday 3rd and Friday 4th July
August 5th, 7th, 8th and 9th - note open Monday 4th Wednesday 6th
Monday 11th - Sunday 17th August
Monday 25th August
Wednesday 24th - Wednesday 31st December